Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hells Toilets...........

I HATE using porta-poti's (aka: 'Hells Toilets')................

...........but sometimes it's either use it or pee yourself...............I choose to use it! .....................(I pee myself too much already, remember?!) ...................well - the last time I used one was dark out...........really dark.................I mean........I really couldn't see..........ANYTHING.............with my pants bunched up around my knees (God forbid they should touch the floor of Hells Toilet)................. I steadied myself ...............hovered over the toilet......................... (God forbid my butt should come in contact with the 'dirty-germ-infested-Satan-seat') do my 'business' (pee, that is).....................well, what do you know....................... the seat was down.............isn't that just dandy...........................(you know what happens when you hover over a toilet and pee with the lid down?).....................the pee runs all over down your legs and all over your basically - I peed all over myself!
Photo courtesy of the internet.


  1. hahhahaa I avoid those nasty buggers like the plague!

  2. Hey, assertive.........I HATE HATE HATE them....but sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do! :):)


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