Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Birds Are Back!

What the Hell is up with the frickin' birds lately? (Is anyone else having trouble with birds? Let me know!)
........................remember how last week they were dive bombing my windows at work? ...........................and I had to put the screens back in...............to stop the mass suicide...................I kept finding dead carnage outside my windows..............I was running out of little cross's to mark their graves..........................and I was worried they were going to crash thru my windows and cause havoc in my office with their bloody body parts................and seriously wound me? ...........................Remember?
Well....................(get this)..................... now that the screens are back up on my windows....................."No more dead birds!" ..............BUT.................today - as I traveled back and forth down the sidewalk past all the damn bird feeders and bushes to my office.....................guess what..............

I WAS ATTACKED! .................. BY THE DAMN BIRDS!

Seriously...........I'm not exaggerating (I know sometimes I exaggerate - but not this time) Birds were dive-bombing me (no lie)..................."What the HELL!?"

And it was seriously "FREAKING-ME-OUT!"
(NOTE TO SELF: Tomorrow, I need to talk to fellow co-workers to see if I'm the only one with this problem!)

I have a theory: I THINK they're TARGETING ME! ...................... (I can't be sure - but I think they ARE!)...........................this is what I think.........................they're seeking revenge for all the birds that lost their lives due to my 'screen episode' last week...................................

All I know is that I'm taking a 'tennis racket' to work tomorrow morning and I'm going to be prepared if history repeats itself ................... "GO AHEAD, you little F_ _ KERS! MAKE MY DAY!"
Photos courtesy of the internet


  1. Ok, that's terrifying! Birds scare the living daylights out of me in a very real way. And I've never seen the movie.

  2. Amanda......Today - So Far, So good! No bird attacks, (but the days still young and I stand ready with my tennis racket!) Normally, I'm not afraid of birds - but these must be some mutant-rabies' infested feathered kill-joys...........I'll keep you posted!


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