Monday, January 23, 2017

'Flying Cheese' remember my MOUSE PROBLEM (AKA: mutant hybrid rat problem.....)... in my car?   And remember how I've got multiple 'Live Mouse Traps' set on the floor of my back seat ........ behind the drivers seat and passenger seats?

Well, the other day....
(..... after spending a few hours with my daughter in Grand Rapids....)
- I was getting in my car to head home and decided to take my coat off for the drive, right?   So I take my coat off and reach to put my coat in the back seat .......
........well............ I'm turned around ........
(..... picture my face between the two front seats facing the back...)
...... my coat falls from the seat onto the floor hitting not ONE - but TWO of the set mouse traps ....(setting both traps OFF, of course.....)   - which sends cheese flying thru the air ....( little mini cheese torpedoes.....)
.....   and before I can get my face out of the way of this flying cheese -  one of the 'Cheese Pieces' HITS ME IN THE EYE!

So now I have 'Cheese Eye'.....

(....I'm pretty sure it's kinda like 'Pink Eye' .........but brought about by flying Cheddar!)

1 comment:

  1. Not counting the pain that must've caused (ANYTHING in the eye causes pain, if you ask me), this is funny! I have a life-size image of the hilarity all your little mouse friends were enjoying as they doubled over in laughter. Mice can be so cruel, sometimes.


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