Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Blonde Joke of the Day

One day a blonde felt very hungry so she walked into the nearest building that she could find...............she went up to the counter and asked the lady...... "Can I please have a cheese burger, fries, and a diet coke?"
The lady at the counter said.............."Ma'ma this is a library."
"Ohhhhh,.......okay...........sshhhhh ..................."I'll have a cheese burger, fries, and a diet coke." the blonde then whispered.


  1. Why did the blonde get fired from the 9 factory? Because she kept throwing away all the upside down 6's.

  2. Hey, Chicken.......thanks for the Blonde joke.....I LOVE NEW Blonde jokes! I'll have to remember this one for a future post! (.........and give you the credit, of course!)


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