Friday, February 1, 2019

Adventures in Dog-Sitting!

It’s been A WHILE ....(...about a year...... yeah..... I’m a sucky BLOGGER...) ...........since I’ve talked to you people out there.......(....Are you ALL STILL out there?)

Currently I am dog-sitting for a good friend at HER house while her and her husband are vacationing.  (And since I’m a trophy wife - with no current responsibilities, I was a perfect choice, RIGHT?!)  With that being said, I’ve had some free time on my hands ....(....and I haven’t posted in a while, so what better time!) ....... so I thought I’d share a little something with you ....(.... assuming you are all still interested in anything I have to say!)

I’ve been here (house-sitting/ dog-sitting) for 4 days so far (...this is the 5th day........)...and I’ve pretty much been doing nothing!  Yes NOTHING!    ......Just laying around, sleeping in, watching TV (.....mostly Lifetime movies, the SyFy channel, Maury and Jerry Springer...), reading books,  laying on the couch, playing on my iPad, pretty much being lazy and enjoying life (....kind of like I’m on my own little mini vacation!)  .........This dog I’m watching is pretty laid back and doesn’t require a lot of attentions - Yipee!!!!!

Since the weather has been so bad in Michigan this week (aka: the Polar Vortex) I’ve been snowed in pretty much the entire time I’ve been here so far - not wanting to brave the roads and leave the house! (It’s a pretty NICE house and I have everything I need here, so no big deal really!) 

Let me tell you about my week so far........

Day #1 / Day #2: 
  • I have had no interaction with the outside world
  • I haven’t showered or brushed my teeth 
  • I have ATE literally ALL the chocolate in the house ....that I can find anyway...... 

Day #3:
  • I finally showered and brushed my teeth ......but still in my pajamas mind you
  • I found the alcohol cabinet..... BINGO!
  • Still no interaction with the outside world
  • Searching the house for more Chocolate..... ...(.....there has got to be chocolate somewhere)
  • 6:00 pm.........I’m drunk.......I’m in their game-room playing a game of pool all by myself..... (...I’m winning by the way ....,) .....Britney Spears is blaring on the radio... I’m dancing with the POOL-STICK .....doing my own rendition of ‘Oops, I did it again

Day #4:
  • I ate an entire block of cheese for breakfast
  • The dog is now my best friend

Day #5:
* I actually put clothes on today
* I’m planning on going to the grocery store today ....( ....I can’t possibly live in a world with no Chocolate and Cheese!)

I’ll keep in touch......... I’m here for another days!


  1. I so love you, you are my idol! Other than sewing some blankets, I lived like you, doing nothing and enjoying it!

  2. Ha! Your ‘Idol’ .....(...Apparently, you haven’t set your bar too high then, friend! LOL) Heard you’ve been doing some sewing..... you go girl! Looking forward to seeing your pretty face sometime this summer! ��


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